The Finish Line: But did you die tho?

I bet you've all been wondering why I haven't posted a blog in 2 weeks. 

Welp, it's because I haven't run in 2 weeks.  I didn't want to write 2 blogs about how I irritated I was to not be able to run because my knees were hurting so bad.  

Basically, my left knee was locking up and the cap was grinding against some joints (that's the easiest way to explain that), and my right knee had a sharp pain shooting upward and was every day.  At one point I couldn't workout because they were hurting so bad.  

I would basically walk on the treadmill and walk through a workout.  If you've ever seen me workout....I don't walk. I move REALLY fast and I go extra hard during every workout...with the exception of 2-3 days out of every month when my stank ass Aunty comes to visit; so this was a legit struggle.  It took my motivation to keep training once my knees heeled up from a 10 to a solid 0.  

I started debating whether or not I should run the race, if I would be in enough shape to run the race, would my knees make it through the race; so many thoughts, so many questions. 

BUT, then I remembered that I'm an OG triple OG straight outta Detroit and we don't quit.  We might waiver, but we DON'T QUIT. 
And plus, I had already paid the registration fee.  That was $90, I'm broke as f%& and ain't got time to be wasting almost $100, no sir.  Big Mike (my dad) would disown me if I wasted money like that.  

This week has been going much better than the last two.  I ran 4 miles this morning and I'm still on my 11:30/mile pace which made me super happy.  My knees weren't throbbing, and I wasn't tired;  I just have to get used to running in this humidity and heat.  I also need to make sure that I eat well on Friday and the morning of the race.  I'm noticing that I feel nauseous and like I'm going to faint if I don't eat and drink enough water before I run.  Don't freak out, I know I'm forgetful and/or don't care enough about a lot of things to do the "right" thing, but my friends stay on my head.  I have an Elena, a Rachel, and an A'keem that are forever yelling at me about something.  I can see it now: 

Elena: Where's your brace? No you can't run in that hoodie take it off, it's too hot.  Take the damn hoodie off before I punch you.  

Rachel: Where's your brace? Stop crying bish you got this.  I said it so that's what it is, don't question me.  

A'keem: Pers! Where the f$%# is your brace?! Sit yo a$$ down somewhere til we find this damn brace, wit yo hard headed self.   Did you eat???

So fret not, I'm sure one or all of them will be yelling at me about something. Luckily I've already made a checklist of all the things I need for pre- and post-race shenanigans.  

Things to buy: 
Sun Visor 
Biker Shorts
Cross Country Shorts
Small Cooler 
2 Bags of Ice for ice bath

Items for Small Cooler: 

I'm also fully prepaid to be super dramatic and pass out or cry.  The ugly slave cry too.  That cry that can only be summoned by excruciating pain.  Like when ya mama slaps you in front of ya friends.  

I'm also prepared to go to IHOP right after I take an ice bath.  I'm about to act filthy in IHOP.  I'm talmbout stacks on stacks on stacks of pancakes and turkey sausage.  With some hash browns?! Baaabbbyy it's about to be ugly.  Anyway, I just wanted to give a quick update to keep everyone up to date on what's been going on. Oh, and lastly, don't txt me saying good luck or asking me if I'm ready for the race.  It'll freak me out and make me think about it.  I already think about it all day, everyday and it scares the crap out of me.  

If you're super invested and want to figure out how my race went before I finish you can download the tracking app:

I'll share my info on my ig and snapchat the morning of the race :)
snap: fitnesswithky

Look out for updates about how the rave went, meal prep service, and a 21 day challenge in the coming weeks


  1. I'm so happy that you completed this goal and now want to do a marathon. I'm also thankful that you have three people there to support you and make sure that you're eating correctly and not over doing it! (I think you should keep this blog even if it's not able working out.)- Blake


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