
Showing posts from May, 2017

Week 5: Cool Runnings

Day 1: REST                    Time: 10:16                  8am: 1 mile run  200 abs: 100 Incline Sit-Ups                100 Incline Russian Twists Today was a pretty light day.  I didn't want to do anything too extreme in the morning, I just wanted something light and easy to get my day started.  I planned on coming back for a 5pm workout but decided to go home and relax for once.  Both of my clients were out for the day so I had a TON of free time.  I didn't know what to do with myself so I went home and did everything and nothing on my couch.  Day 2: 4 Miles                  Time: 44:34                  Of course on the day I have a 9am meeting I decide it's a good idea to go for a 4 mile run at 6:50am.  M...

Accountability Matters

All accountability partners matter, and I do mean ALL.  Whether it be for working out, studying, financial saving, anything.  We all could use someone that will assist in holding us accountable for the goals we’ve set for ourselves.  This partner can look different for each person that uses one; it could be a parent, a best friend, a God, a dog, even a stranger (think academic advisor, banker, etc.).  Whichever you choose to use, they matter. I happen to have multiple accountability partners since I personally train people.  I try to avoid standing by a person’s side and telling them what to do, so I almost ALWAYS work out with the people I’m training.  Which meeeaans, you guessed it, I work out a whole lot.  I’m held accountable by all of my trainees because they pay me to help keep them accountable for their fitness goals.  I can’t just wake up and decide “nope, I don’t think I want to help anyone workout today.  I’ll think I’ll eat ...

Week 4: Aunties & Running Don't Mx

Day 1: REST                Time: 0:00                     Weight: 170.6 lbs For this blog, pay close attention to my weight.  I started this week off feeling super light.  I walked by the mirror like oh snap, hey boo!!!  New body, who dis?? A reenactment of me in the mirror getting hype about my bawdy: Yes, I twerk every time I get excited or happy about any of my accomplishments....well, at least the few that I remember to acknowledge because I suck at patting myself on the back.   Anyway, I know I'm supposed to REST but I have 2 people to train everyday so homie can't rest.  My morning client will be out for the rest of the week due to an eye surgery so I created a full body circuit for her.  I was so. fudgin'. tiredt.  But I felt REALLY gwood afterward.   7am Warm Up: 1 Mile Walk/Jog (Jog 200m, Walk 200m) Workout 4 Ro...