Week 5: Cool Runnings
Day 1: REST Time: 10:16 8am: 1 mile run 200 abs: 100 Incline Sit-Ups 100 Incline Russian Twists Today was a pretty light day. I didn't want to do anything too extreme in the morning, I just wanted something light and easy to get my day started. I planned on coming back for a 5pm workout but decided to go home and relax for once. Both of my clients were out for the day so I had a TON of free time. I didn't know what to do with myself so I went home and did everything and nothing on my couch. Day 2: 4 Miles Time: 44:34 Of course on the day I have a 9am meeting I decide it's a good idea to go for a 4 mile run at 6:50am. M...