Week 4: Aunties & Running Don't Mx

Day 1: REST                Time: 0:00                     Weight: 170.6 lbs
For this blog, pay close attention to my weight.  I started this week off feeling super light.  I walked by the mirror like oh snap, hey boo!!!  New body, who dis??

A reenactment of me in the mirror getting hype about my bawdy:

Yes, I twerk every time I get excited or happy about any of my accomplishments....well, at least the few that I remember to acknowledge because I suck at patting myself on the back.  

Anyway, I know I'm supposed to REST but I have 2 people to train everyday so homie can't rest.  My morning client will be out for the rest of the week due to an eye surgery so I created a full body circuit for her.  I was so. fudgin'. tiredt.  But I felt REALLY gwood afterward.  


Warm Up: 1 Mile Walk/Jog (Jog 200m, Walk 200m)


4 Rounds:
Weight Step Ups on Small Box (30 lb barbell)
Bosu Ball Mountain Climber
Hanging Leg Raises
Straight Arm Plate Raises


Warm Up: 1 Mile Run

THEN, I had my afternoon workout.  The gym was so packed...it was annoying.  I wanted to punch everyone in the face because every person was being extra rude trying to get a machine.  

I've never been more irritated at the gym, so I was making smart ass remarks to people that were standing too close or cutting directly in front of me to get to something literally 2 ft away. You could've waited bro!!!  We ended up cutting our workout short because it was just too crowded.  

4 sets (12,10,8,6) Barbell Press
3x12 Incline Barbell Press
4 sets (12,10,8,6) Seated Row
Super Set: 3x10 Bent Over Row
                  3x8 Overhead Press
                  3x10 Shrugs
4x10 Drag Curls

Day 2: 3.75 Miles           Time: 39:04                Weight: 172.9 lbs
My body felt jiggly today.  It's not like I'm solid but I definitely don't jiggle when I walk.  Everything was moving today and I felt yucky.  Have you ever run almost 4 miles with literally everything on your body jiggling but not your normal jiggling? It's ANNOYING. I was hungry but didn't want to eat.  Irritated but wanted attention.  All of the symptoms of my stank ass Aunty getting ready to come visit, ugh.  I dragged myself out of bed and went for a run with Sadie. 
The run went by pretty fast.  Jogging down felt much harder than jogging back but nonetheless, I was feeling good.  I popped an Aleve when I got home and I was feeling on top of the world.  For whatever reason after that run I felt recharged and ready to tackle the world.    

I had my afternoon workout with Elena and let me tell ya something, doing a heavy workout with weights after not doing weights for a really long time is DUMB.  But it felt soooo riiigghhhtt.  I haven't touched serious weights in so long that I felt like a small child on a playground.  

I noticed that since I started running I can zoom through workouts without any problems.  I'm still sore afterward, but in the moment I just go.  I was squatting 155lbs like it was NOTHING.  I normally do 155lbs and it feels a little heavy, it felt light.....I was scared. Also, Elena was squatting the same weight as me and wasn't struggling!!!! When she first started training with me she had a hard time doing 95lbs, now look at her!!! She shweet.   


Warm Up: 1 Mile Jog
Warm Up Set: 15 Bare Bar Squats
2x10 Squats (95 lbs, 115 lbs)
2x10 Squats (135lbs, 155lbs)
3x15 Leg extension
3x10 Leg Curls
3x10 Leg Press (light, because our legs were dead)

Day 3: 2 Miles                Time: 22:50                Weight: 173.3 lbs
I ran the shit out of this 2 miles, this isn't new tho.  I was running on an indoor track that was only 200m so of course, I kept losing count of what lap I was on.  Do you know how nerve wrecking it is to have to run/jog 16 laps but you can't remember if you were on 4 or 6??
I have to remember who walked onto the track and when, and then remember what lap I was on when they walked in, then, how many times I ran around after that, in order to figure out what lap I'm on.  This is an every day struggle people. If I'm lifting weights or running, I'm most likely going to do way more than I'm supposed to, just to be on the safe side. 

The downside of this is that my anxiety kicks up any time I'm running and don't know what lap I'm on. I get frustrated that I can't do something as simple as remembering what lap I'm on, then I get upset at the thought of not having an accurate time so I have a tiny mental breakdown in the middle of the run, and THEN, I have a small panic attack about everything not going perfectly planned and STILL not knowing what lap I'm on.  Le sigh, one day I'll be able to function "normally", but until then, my weird way of righting what I deem as my wrongs works just fine for me :)

Warm Up: 2 Mile Run


Super set: 3x15 Rear Cable Flyes
                 3x10 Lateral Raise
Super set: 4x10 Straight Arm Lateral Pull Downs
                 4x15 Bent Over Rows
Super set: 4x15 Preacher Curls
                 4x15 Tricep Kickbacks

Day 4: REST               Time: 00:00                 Weight: 173.6    
I got my hurr did so I skipped my workout.  Yep, you read that right.  I woke up at the crack of dawn, feeling like trash by the way, and went to my frat bro's barber to get my hair cut.  Now, this entire week I've been feeling like shit.  Mood swings, cravings, hold on, lets talk about these cravings. I want to eat, EVERYTHING.
I ate 2 berry flavored danishes and drank 2 cans of soda and THEN I made nachos and drank more soda, that was just dinner the night before.  THEN, I bought donuts....a half dozen donuts....and I ate ALL. OF. THEM.  I ate a 4 for $4 with an extra 4 pc nugget and I still wasn't satisfied.  This was all in ONE day.  All I wanted to do was eat cake, cookies, donuts, danishes, and nuggets...Das it.  No water, solely Cherry Cola.  My body was being a jerk so I knew, that stank ass Aunty was coming to visit but she wasn't tryna let me know in advance what day she wanted to come over, she was just gonna pop up...,Bitch.

Anyway, so my Pers Juice (short for Personal, if you don't know what it means....well tough titty, I don't feel like explaining it).  We'll say Pers = Best Friend in this case.   My Pers convinced me to go to his barber to let him fix my hair.  In my head barbers know absolutely nothing about natural hair or cutting a woman's hair, so why should I let this man touch my dang hair?!  Mind you, before he convinced me, I asked him to come over and cut it off for me.

Me: Pers come cut this shit off or I'm gonna do it myself...

Juice:  Don't do that Pers, do you have any clippers?  Do you know someone that can cut it?

Me: No, I'm just gonna cut it myself

Juice: Pers don't do that....

Me: Im cutting this shit off IDC IDC IDC IDC!!!!

Juice: Noooo, I got you Pers Pers, don't cut it!  Let me find some clippers, when are you free for me to come over?

What he really meant was:

He was NOT tryna cut my hair lol So boom, he convinces me to go to the barber instead of having him shave all of my hair off and give me a terrible fade.  Still feeling like shit, still hate my hair.  On top of all of this, I have a small alopecia patch in the back of my head.

 Random patches of my hair just fall out.  I never know that I have them until I or someone else is doing my hair.  It's stressful and limits my hairstyle options which really sucks.  I specifically told the first two people that tried cutting my hair that I had a patch, and that I didn't want it to be too low because I didn't want anyone to see it.........THESE HEFFAS SHAVED RIGHT OVER MY PATCH!!!!

 So now I'm forced to get over myself and say f$%& anyone that has something to say about my little love patch.  We get to the barbershop and I'm freaking out.

I sit in this man's chair, show him what I want, take off my scarf, and this mofo Juice whispers:

Pers your patch is showing.......

This stressed me thee fuck out.  But I'm in front of all of these people so I told him I didn't care.  But I cared, a whole hell of a lot.  But as soon as I heard the clippers come on I stopped caring.  Why?  Because the barber was going as if he didn't care, so why should I?  I started thinking/talking to myself: Hmmmm, if I stop caring about people seeing my patches, then I might be less stressed and anxious about it; one less panic attack during the day, right?  So here I am, bald headed with my patch showing and let me tell you, I've never felt more confident in my life.

The above picture is when he first cut it.  Juice was gassing me up something serious lol  

Juice: Pers, you fine!






I didn't know if he was being genuine or just trying to cheer me up, because ya know, friends will lie to you if it makes you smile instead of cry.  And of course I sent it close friends and sorors and all of them gave me a thumbs up; I would post Bestie/Bae's response (Rachel, you'll meet her later) but it's reckless lol.  But then, I did a twist out on my hair...babbbyyyyy!!!

None of the compliments or gas ups compare to my twin brother's. NONE. ZERO. 

Thoroughly convinced I can steal someone's husband now.  All of the husbands, baby zaddies, boo thangs, boy frans, ALLUHDAT!  I've basically been walking around like...

Now, I thought I was going to look and feel too masculine because I'm pretty muscular and thought I'd look like a man; if I'm being completely honest.  I'm extremely insecure about my body type and people tend to make back handed comments that I find offensive and actually hurts my feelings.  Ex: Men constantly making comments about how muscular/manly my arms are as a joke.  It's never funny to me, ever.  What is funny to me, is those same men getting their feelings hurt when I reject their request for a date and then they send me anonymous messages about how they wish I would've given them a chance....

Anyway, I'm cute af and I planned to run my 3.5 miles tomorrow to keep up with my mileage for the week.

Warm Up: 1 Mile Jog

4x8 Pulse Squats

3x12 Glute Bridges
3x10 Cable Kick Backs 
3x10 Side Kicks
Day 5: 3.75 Miles                Time: 39:12                Weight: 177.0     
Hopefully you've all been paying attention to my weight this entire time.  On this lovely day that stank ass Aunty that I keep telling you all about.......

This hoe is here now and I want her to go away.  Do you see what my weight is now????? A slow progression of a 7lb weight gain because mother freakin' Aunt Flo wants to come say hello!!!! So for those of you that think being a woman is easy....kiss my ass.  I know some of you are wondering "but...but didn't you say you were eating all those sweets?".  Honey listen, I ate those sweets on ONE day, and binge ate ONE evening, not all day every day.  Cravings only came at night and I  ignored them.  I gained 4 lbs from bloating alone. I. AM. PISSED.  Ugh, I just want her to go awaaayyy!!!!

This was me during my entire workout this day.  This was actually me ALL day. 

Now imagine doing the workout below with a migraine, extreme fatigue, and a short attention span, yep, the struggle was real. 

HIIT Workout

Circuit 1:  Burpees
                 Mountain Climbers
                 Jumping Jacks
3 rounds, reps: 10, 15, 20

Circuit 2: Walking Lunges
                 Push Ups
                 Squat Thrusts
3 rounds, 45 sec. for each exercise

Circuit 3: Lateral Lunges
                Plank Ups
3 rounds, 45 sec. for each exercise

Day 6: 5 Miles                 Time: 58:56                     Weight: N/A     
Soooooo  I didn't want to see another scale until my Aunt left so I just ignored any and all forms of measurement this weekend.  BUT, I had to switch my 5 mile run from Sunday to Saturday because I had early morning community service on Sunday.  I know myself well enough to know that after being up from 5am - 11am, I wasn't going to run 5 miles, NOPE. 

So, I chose the responsible route and ran a day early.  I decided to run around Ypsilanti to avoid losing count of laps on a track.  I also planned to help some friends run immediately after my 5 mile run so I wanted to see something other than a track.  I decided to run from Ypsilanti High School to Washtenaw Ave, down Golfside, back to Packard Rd, down to Carpenter Rd. and back.  One thing I didn't think about was perverts honking their horn and the lack of sidewalks on Washtenaw.  I was running on grass, broken concrete, jumping over random holes, it was a MESS!  I finally got to Golfside and thought it would be smooth sailing from there....I was wrong.  So.Many. HILLS.  Hooomahgawd there were so many hills.  It felt like my legs were the only thing dealing with fatigue.   Funny part was that I didn't realize I was on a hill because I was looking down while I was running.  On top of these darn hills, the wind was kickin my butt.  It literally felt like something was pushing me back.    
This happened for the last 3 miles and my lawd I didn't think I was gonna make it.  Not because I was tired, but because mother nature was not on my side this day.  Between the hills and the wind, I was muh fuggin tide.  
BUT, I finished without stopping!!!  The app (Nike+ Running) tried to play me tho, it told me I ran 5 miles in 58:56 but because I didn't press stop on the workout until 59:00 so it went with that.  Nuh-uh boo boo, gimme my 4 seconds!!

So I'm super proud of myself for not only finishing 5 miles without stopping, but also running it without taking any pain medication and semi-dying the entire time.  

Day 7: REST                    Time: 00:00                     Weight: N/A    

I actually rested.  Community Service, trained someone without working out with them, and relaxed in my apartment for the rest of the day #BAWSE


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