Week 5: Cool Runnings

Day 1: REST                    Time: 10:16                 

1 mile run 
200 abs: 100 Incline Sit-Ups
               100 Incline Russian Twists

Today was a pretty light day.  I didn't want to do anything too extreme in the morning, I just wanted something light and easy to get my day started.  I planned on coming back for a 5pm workout but decided to go home and relax for once.  Both of my clients were out for the day so I had a TON of free time.  I didn't know what to do with myself so I went home and did everything and nothing on my couch. 

Day 2: 4 Miles                  Time: 44:34                 
Of course on the day I have a 9am meeting I decide it's a good idea to go for a 4 mile run at 6:50am.  Mind you, it takes me 20 - 30 minutes to get to campus.  This left me with about 45 minutes to get ready for work; a steep 45 minutes.  All the more reason to jog fast right???

The run wasn't bad AT ALL.....UNTIL, I got .17 miles away from my apartment.  Yep, I know the exact mileage of when my phone decided to be an asshole.  I was using the Nike+ Run Club App to track my mileage and time my runs for me.  I pulled my phone out so that I would be prepared to press stop and get an accurate time. Welp, I pulled it out, saw I was at 3.83 miles, about a minute and some change away, and saw that my time was 43:30, and then poof, the app closed. W....T....F!!!!!

I am beyond pissed right now.  So I had to remember my average mile time and then cut that time in half, then cut that time in half, and do some extreme math to figure out how long it would take me to run .17 miles just to get a semi accurate time.  I know I shouldn't be this big of a perfectionist but you run 4 miles fast af and let your running app close on you at the last minute and then tell yourself to calm down.  I let it go because I had to be ready for work in less than 30 minutes but breeehhhh!!!!!

Meh, guess I should get rid of all of my anger in a leg workout right?
Leg Press
Leg Extensions
Leg Curls 
Cable Kick Backs
     *Super Set w/ Sumo Squats

Day 3: 2 Miles                        Time: 23:17        
Ya know how I normally start my 2 mile updates off with "I kicked that 2 mile run's ass"?  Welp, nope. Not today.  Have you ever been running and you felt like you looked like a baby giraffe learning to walk?

Or Bambi after leg day? 

That's exactly what I looked like during this run!!!!  Hooomahgawd, my poor little tink tinks did not want to function properly.  At one point I almost stopped; not because I was tired, but because I know how dumb I looked running around Ypsi.  I finished the run in "decent" time but Jesus took the wheel on that one.  

Day 4: 4 Miles                           Time: 00:00     
Hopefully I didn't let any of you down by not running the 4 miles.  My legs weren't sore, I wasn't tired, I just didn't feel like running.  For those of you who do feel let down and had high hopes for me..........

Because I deserve to take breaks whenever I want to LOL.  Do you know how hard it is to convince yourself to push your body passed it's normal limits????  It sucks!!! It's so rewarding, but it also puts a lot of pressure on you to hold yourself accountable.  Missing ONE day out of a week will not be the death of me.  I done lost 10 more pounds and I wanted to sit my greedy self down and eat nuggets gosh darnit. 

And also, if you're not going to come train with me or HELP ME run this race, then shet. your. fucking. face. That is all.  

Day 5: REST       Time: 00:00
I didn't even think about trying to make up the run from yesterday, not even a little bit 

But I did do an awesome back workout :)
5 sets of 10 for each exercise
Shoulder press w/ dumbells
Arnold press
Front lateral raises
Side lateral raises
Upright rows

Barbell bent over rows
Wide grip pull up
Close grip chill up
Dumbbell rows ( 10 each side
Cable Pull downs
Cable rows

Day 6: 40 min. Cross      Time: 00:00

Today was a chill day.  Easy Glute workout :
1 mile warm up
3 x10 cable kickbacks 
   *superset w/ sumo squats
3x10 over the rainbows
3x12  weighted glute bridges

and then I went out to overindulge in the happy juices of life while strolling through downtown Detroit during Techno Fest.  I may have drank one too many cups of "water".  

This seemed like an awesome idea until I stumbled into my apartment and realized I had to run 6 miles in the next 8 hours.......

Day 7: 6 Miles              Time: 1:09:59

I woke up without a hangover, but my lawd I was dehydrated.  I woke up around 7am stumbling to the refrigerator to chug my gallon of water sitting on top of the fridge. 

It felt like there just wasn't enough water in that damn jug.  I woke up, drank water, went back to sleep, and repeated that cycle for a couple hours.  I finally dragged myself out of bed and got dressed for my funeral.  

I gave Sadie a pep talk and told her she could do it....and started running.  It actually wasn't that bad.   I just got REALLY bored after 4 miles.  I swear it felt like forever for mile 5 and 6 to come.  I kept checking my watch like "Wow, I still haven't hit 5 miles yet???"

5 miles in and I could tell Sadie was over it.  Homegirl was not tryna run anymore lol  She started slowing down and trotting behind me, that NEVER happens.  I had to start talking to her like "Cmon big girl, you got it!  That's right, good girl!"  Of course she gets hype any time I call her good girl lol 
.......She still didn't speed up tho.  I ended up stopping a little after 5 miles to take my jacket off and tie it around my waist.  This fool Sadie laid out in the shade so quick lmao 

I FINALLY finished the run and actually felt good.  You could smell the happy juice coming out of  my pores but so what.....At the end of the day, I ran a 10k with a whole lot of alcohol in my stomach and didn't throw up or pass out.  I think that means I might be a legend. 


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