Week 1: Lordt

Day 1: REST                             Time: 2 hour nap in this bih

Day 1 was pretty successful.  I got ALL of the naps in.  Obviously the rest of this week will be a breeze, right?

Day 2: 3 miles                          Time: 34.58
Ummmm, so yea, I died a slow death.  Like, I got through the first mile and felt "okay".  And then I got halfway through mile 2 and it felt like my legs were going to give out on me and my lungs were gonna collapse.  At this point I REALLY wanted to stop, walk a lap, and try to finish. My body was like nah fam
 Somehow I managed to convince myself to keep running and just take smaller steps.  I was getting more and more irritated with every step because it felt like I was barely moving forward, annnnd I just wanted to be done.  FINALLY, I finished a frickin' 5k at 7am...7 IN THE FRICKIN MORNING!!!
For the rest of the day it felt like my body just wanted to give up.  My lower back was throbbing, my knees were swollen, and my ego was shot to shit.  But GAWD!!!! Not really, my pride wouldn't let me convince myself to quit.  Plus my mama ain't raise no bitch so I went to bed early and got ready for Day 3. 

Day 3: 2 miles                          Time: 23:36
I woke up the next day thinking to myself  "It's only 2 miles bro.  We can fuck up 2 miles, we've done it before".  And that's exactly what I did.  I ran the shit outta that 2 miles!!! Those 2 miles ain't wanna see me cuh!
I was still extra tired but I was feeling really good.  Then, I noticed that I wore the wrong shoes the day before.  My lower back wasn't hurting and my knees weren't swollen.  My body was still super tired but I made it through the day just fine.  

Day 4: 3 miles                          Time: 34:46

By this point, I realized that slow and steady really does win the race.  If I can keep a 12 minute mile pace, I can finish 3 miles with no problem.  I jogged 100m over and over until I could consistently run 100m at 45 sec.  It only took 2 tries (that's how long my patience would allow me to try over and over).  So I started running; one foot in front of the other....for 12 laps....The first mile went by but felt like it took forever, I struggled for a hot sec. on mile 2 but I was still rolling.  By mile 3 it was on and poppin'.  I was running faster than I did on the first mile.  I also REALLY wanted to be done.  I finished a couple seconds faster than I did on the first day of running, and you would've thought I came in 1st place at the Olympics. 

I walked a lap in the opposite direction as my cool down, and to also get my hips together.  And then sat down in the locker room for 30 min. because my legs are still NOT set up for distance running. 

Day 5: REST                            Time: I didn't nap, but I watched                                                              Kong on my Firestick tho...

Day 6: 30 Min. Cross (this means a "normal" workout)
            10 min run (warm-up)
            5 rounds: 30 sec. for each exercise w/ 30 sec. rest
                            Flutter Kicks
                            Oblique toss (left)
                            Oblique toss (right)
                            Hurdle Walk 
                            Ball Slams
                            Back Extensions
Day 7: 4.78 miles                       Time: 51:34
Okay, so if you read my first blog post, then you've seen my training schedule.  In case you haven't (which is kinda trashy of you), here it is again. 

I was supposed to run 4 miles.....4 MILES.  Now, the thought of running 4 miles was already scary but I convinced myself to get up and do it.  I had already come to terms with running it slower than usual because I drank a whole lot of happy juice (including shots of said happy juice) the night before.  But whateva.  So I GPS'd (das a word today), the local speedway and it said it was 2 miles away.  I said hmmm okay, I  can jog there and back.  Boom.  I ran down there and I was like damn, this feels so much farther than 2 miles but fuck it, we here now. 

I was breathing heavy af and my legs were DYING.  I was also running with my dog, Sadie, who happens to be my running partner.  

Any time she sees a squirrel she pulls me across the damn world and back; so yea, that was a scruggle.  Fast forward to when I finally get home.  I am deadt.  I check my watch and it says it took me 51 minutes and 34 seconds to run to Speedway and back.  In my head I'm like damn, that alcohol must've really been sitting on my stomach.  Something didn't feel right so I checked my fitbit to see how far I ran........

5.18 miles.........WHAT.....THEE....FUCK. I was livid!! I felt so betrayed by Google Maps.  Like cmon bro, you don't do people like that.  I was aching in places I didn't know existed.  I wanted to cry but I was too tired.  I could feel EVERYTHING.  Every time I exhaled I could feel my entire body screaming at me.  

I wanted to sit under a hot shower so bad, but it would've required me to get up, and undress, and actually get in the shower.  That was doing a whole lot so I sat on my couch and talked to myself for about 30 minutes.  Yep, 30 minutes.  Luckily my main pup Sadie was being a jerk and begging for attention so I had to cave and play with her.  Speaking of Sadie, EVEN SHE WAS TIRED AFTER THE RUN!!! She's a frickin' border collie, all they do is run!!!! AND SHE. WAS. TIRED. HOOOOMAHGAWD.

But, we survived, and she wanted to give me kisses at the end of the run.  Probably because we were done and she could pass out on the living room floor and take a nap.  

Hopefully Week 2 is easier than Week 1.  I've downloaded the Nike+ app to show me running paths/trails so that I don't run over the scheduled amount of miles.  But at least now I know I can for sure run a 10k, so that's a plus, right?


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