Week 3 Update: Hips Don't Lie

Day 1: Rest                 Time: 0:00           Weight: 176.7
You all would be so proud of me.  I actually did rest on this day....kind of.  I got on a lateral cardio machine for 15 minutes, and did light weights.  No biggie.  And then, I went home, cuddled with my kid (Sadie), and went to sleep. 

Day 2: 3.5 miles         Time: 40:02          Weight: 175.1 

Okay, so I had gotten so used to running my little 2-3 miles during the week that I just knew having to do 3.5 miles wouldn't be so bad.  I. Was. WRONG.  I woke up this morning with a little itch in my throat, so I knew that I was most likely about to catch a cold.  I immediately took some Zicam and a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar *beats chest*.  The first mile felt AWFUL.  My body was aching all over and for whatever reason I was struggling to breathe.  Normally I have a rhythm to my breathing and tend to only breathe out of my mouth on the last mile but I was breathing like I had already run 10 miles. 

I seriously considered stopping to power walk for a second to give my hips and my knees a break, but I didn't, and I probably should have.  One thing people don't tell you is that your hips and knees will probably be sore, almost ALL of the time.  You would think distance running would loosen up your joints and tight muscles....
 You have to go above and beyond before AND after your runs.  I now do yoga with Adrienne after every run (or at least I try to), and I stretch for 5 minutes because hooomahgawd my hips are SCREAMING.  

Yoga with Adrienne -------> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGOrpTLiaec

I do this one because it's only 7 minutes, quick & easy.  I train a client at 6am, I run at 7am, and then I haul ass to get to work by 8:30am.  I don't have time to do a full on yoga workout.  

Lastly, someone asked me what do I eat since I run much more now.  I either drink a chocolate, peanut butter, and banana protein shake or I eat 6 tbs. of egg whites (2 whole eggs), 1 chicken breast, and sauteed bell peppers.  Both give me a much needed boost of energy to get my day started.  

Day 3: 2 miles             Time: 00:0          Weight: Didn't Weigh In
I've discovered that I can now run 2 miles with ZERO problems.  I do 2 miles as a warm up for some pretty intense work outs.  NOW, that's not why I decided not to run this day.  I didn't run because  I felt like crap and there was a sharp pain shooting diagonally up my back every time I inhaled deeply.  It was also very uncomfortable to sit for more than 10 minutes or walk for too long.  Elena thought it might be a tight muscle or something dealing with a muscle.  But I didn't feel tight and I was just SUPER uncomfortable all day so I decided not to run.  I know most people are super happy and content when they bail on a workout, but me, I feel like a failure....
I almost always feel like I've let down the fitness gods....except on this day.  On this day, I didn't care.  Nope, not one bit.  In fact, I was happy as f$%& because it meant I could watch random Rick & Morty episodes and eat a 4 for $4 from Wendy's with an extra 4 pc. nugget.  ZEE. RHO. SHAME. 

Now of course my day wasn't just kind of crappy because of back pain.  Nuh - uh, the universe wasn't being nice to me at all today.  The day before I had run my 3.5 miles, right? I typically run with my phone in my sports bra with the screen facing outward so it doesn't touch my sweaty skin.  Welp, that day I was fumbling with my phone trying to skip a song and accidentally put my phone back into my sports bra with, you guessed it, the screen facing my sweaty ass chest.  
By the end of the run you would've thought I dropped my phone in a lake.  It was SOAKED.  I could tilt it to the side and water would pour out of the case.  I just knew my phone would be okay, NOPE.  It was water damaged; imagine me explaining this to a Sprint Rep. 

Me: Hello ma'am my phone is damaged and I need a replacement

Sprint Rep: Okay, water damaged I assume?

Me: Yep

Sprint Rep: Dropped it in the sink, toilet, puddle?

Me: ....titty sweat

Sprint Rep: 
Sprint Rep: Okie dokie then, do you have insurance on the phone?

Me: I have no clue

Sprint Rep: Just looked it up, you sure do, it'll be $200 for a replacement

Me: ...........

So of course now I'm sitting in the store looking like: 

Contemplating life because I'm a broke ass Program Advisor and they damn sure don't pay me enough to afford random $200 charges.  I ask them to bill my account and ship me the damn phone.  I left, went to work, cried internally, and went home.  Of course when I get home my internet is out.  Which means no Roku, no FireStick TV, no YouTube videos, no nothing.  I was living in the stone age!!!!

So word of advice, avoid titty sweat at all costs. 

Day 4: 3.5 miles            Time: 40:26             Weight: 175.4
Sooooo I still don't have a phone, which means I didn't have any music to listen to.  There was no way in hell I was gonna run almost 4 miles in silence. Just listening to myself die, I mean breathe.  So I flipped my apartment upside down and found an old iPod.  Luckily most treadmills came equipped with an iPod charger so I was good to go.  I also didn't want to run outside because I was still getting over a cold and didn't want to risk it; also because that iPod would only stay charged for like 30 min and I REFUSED to run in silence, nah fam.  
So I plugged up my iPod and got to running.  I felt like shit.  My legs were tired after a half mile and I was breathing all kinds of nasty.  I got to just under 3 miles and stopped.  First time I stopped since I started training.  BUT, I'm pretty sure I would've fainted if I didn't.  Always know your body and what your limits are.  If you feel like you're going to faint, STOP.  It's not that deep.  There's a guy that runs at the same time every morning with me; not with me, just at the same time.  When I stopped, he looked over at me like:

I felt so bad, like I somehow let him down or something so I started running again lol.  Mind you, I only stopped for maybe 10 sec.  But he stared at me like I ate the last piece of pizza without asking or something.  Like I let Nas down or something lol  

Anyway,  I convinced myself that I couldn't run any slower than 41 minutes so I was hauling ass on that treadmill.  I cranked up the speed and hoped for the best.  I only had a half mile left so if I passed out, I mean, oh well.  I didn't, and I finished in decent time, but I fell asleep at my desk a few times because my body was pretty pissed about it, oh well. 

Day 5: REST               Time: 00:0                  Weight: 174.6
I ran 1 mile at a 10:30 pace and did 3 rounds of my own ab circuit:
30 sec. plank 
25 Russian Twists
25 crunches
25 hip taps
60 sec. 6 inches with 15 lbs. overhead
30 sec. in/out
30 sec. Flutter Kicks

Easy workout with awesome results :)

Day 6: 40 min Cross        Time: 00:0     Weight: Didn't Weigh In
Walked 1 lap at the track, ran a slow paced mile, walked a lap, called it a day.  I have to run 5 miles tomorrow, I'm tryna preserve all of my energy because I have ZERO confidence in my ability to run 5 miles without actually passing out. 

Day 7: 5 miles             Time: 00:0           Weight: 173.9
Ya'll, I didn't want to run.  I had hyped myself up to do it because I was feeling much better; FINALLY GOT OVER MY STUPID COLD.  BUT,  I had a hair appointment. from hell that ended with more than half of my hair being shaved off and me looking like dih right here: 

Now imagine this cut with a little more peach fuzz on the side, it doesn't fade into the fro it just abruptly arrives there, and there's some random not fully shaved down pieces....yep. 

This is what I asked for....

I. AM. FUCKING. LIVID.  I cried all night.  Cried myself to sleep.  Tried to make it look cute, nope continued crying.  If I don't feel pretty, I don't want to do anything.  I didn't want to leave my apartment this morning because I didn't want to risk anyone seeing the monstrosity but I got my ass up and went to the stupid track.  I ran the stupid 5 miles and died during the last 1.5 miles.  I ran the first mile at 11:12 but it felt like 13 minutes.  I had to do a double take like hold on bish did we just haul ass for a mile and feel super comfortable!

Second mile went by okay, that third mile, babbbbbbbyyyyy let me tell you.  There wasn't a good enough incentive at the finish line for me to keep going.  A chocolate man with a pretty smile and dreads with big ass muscles needed to be waiting for me once I finished 5 miles....but him wasn't there.  I finished mile 3 and stopped.  I felt fatigued and my knees and hips were throbbing.  I started power walking to trick my body into thinking we were still running. The next mile and a half consisted of me running and walking randomly. I looked at my watch and saw that I had 5 minutes to finish 600 meters (1.5 laps) in order to finish at an hour.  Of course I started running my little heart out. 

 Finished in under an hour which keeps me on a 12 min. per mile pace so I'm happy.  Still bald headed, but I'm happy.  We'll chat about this new hair in a later post...... 
My hips hurt like hell.  I tried to do some old track warm ups and couldn't because my hips and groin were not agreeing.  It was actually pretty painful.  And I don't do pain so I'm going to have to add some extra stuff to my yoga regimen.  If anyone has any tips for tight hips and the groin region leave them in the comment section please!!


  1. All I will say is I am proud of you bae!

  2. Yet again, this is exactly why you are my shero. Not just because you show up for yourself everyday to run those miles but because even when you feel awful because someone took away a piece of you that you need for comfort, you KEPT ON GOING. I understand being heartbroken over not feeling pretty. Everyday struggle over this way. But you persevered and you continue to do so every time I see you. Keep up the great work!


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