Fat Booty Friday!!!

For those who don't already know,  I've switched to using instagram as a way to share Fat Booty Friday.  Follow me at fitness.with.ky !!!!

Moving on, everyone knows that I am a strong twerking enthusiast.  If you're thinking to yourself "that's so ratchet, why would she say twerking is a workout?", then this isn't the blog for you.  

You've also probably never twerked for more than 2 minutes.  Twerking for half of a party will have you leaving out the function looking like you just ran a mile and did a full blown workout. 

The next morning you wake up trying to figure out if you partied hard or got beat up.  Back be all types of outta commission.  It's a FULL BODY WORKOUT!! It's especially great for core and glute toning.  I know some of you still aren't with me on this so here's a snippet of some Twerk Fitness for you. 


Are you tired yet?  That was barely a 2 minute snippet, now imagine doing that for 10 minutes....30 minutes...an hour.  I can't breathe just thinking about how tired I'd be in one of their classes.  If you're in the flint area and want to get that body together, then check out Akeiba Hodges and Brittany Galloway's Twerk Fitness classes.  I promise it's worth the drive.  $10 drop - in rate, click the links below to get in contact with either of them. 

Keeping it pushing, here's a quick at home glute exercise that I love doing when no one's watching.  It's one of the few exercises that I seriously contemplate if I actually want to be fit or not.  We've all had those moments where we have to convince ourselves mid-workout to keep going/finish.  OR those moments when we basically talk ourselves out of starting or finishing a workout for some ridiculous reason.  

Me: Cmon lets knock these out
Body: ......we don't want to
Me: Shit these burn
Me to Me: Why are we even doing these??
Me back to me: Fuck this, I don't have to take this

Me to Me: Cmon we're almost done
Me yelling at me: We could leave right now and get a 4 for $4!!!
Me thinking to self: We COULD go and get some nuggets
Body: We want nuggets

Me back to me: I don't even like working out, we could stop right now and be gucci.....

That's literally one of the conversations I had with myself.  It's typically much more profane, but you get the gist of it.  Below you'll find the video of how to do Pulse Squats with a side shuffle.  It helps with core and glute strength. If you're looking at it and feeling a tad bit intimidated, do it without the side step/shuffle.  None of us become good with fitness by trying to do things that are out of our fitness range.  Start where you're comfortable and then start adding stuff to exercises to challenge yourself.  Or don't, I promise you'll get results no matter what :)

A pulse squat consists of 3 low squats (similar to a pulse), which equal one full squat.  You should feel your entire bum burning after doing a couple of these.  Add weight if you're feeling adventurous.  I typically do pulse squats with 135 lbs and go up from there depending on what type of day I'm trying to have (Stank walk vs. Can't Bend My legs when I walk).  

I recommend doing 3 sets of 10 to start; gradually increase as you get comfortable.   


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