Week 6: Bambi

Day 1: REST      Time: 00:00   Weight: Lets not bring negativity into this blog 
Today's Memorial Day!!!!  I know it's a day to remember all of the brave men and women that have died serving the country but because this country is ass backwards, most people think it's just another vacation day and time to BBQ.  Soooo, with that in mind, I typically house hop back and forth between different family and friends' houses. 

 BUT, this year, I went to IHOP and ate like a SAVAGE.  I got that lovely split decision meal and had no shame adding the refillable sodas to that mofo either.  What is the Split Decision meal you ask????

2 pancakes

2 pieces of French Toast
2 Sausage Links
2 Turkey Bacon

I. Was. In. Heaven.  It was soooo gwood, soo sooo sooo soooo soooo gwood.  I want to go back right now just so I can eat all of this all over again.  Mouthgasms are REAL people!!!!!! 

Anyway, that's how I rested today lol 

Day 2: 4 Miles                Time: 43:48                 Weight: 171.6
Ya know, I should really start walking these routes before I decide to run them.  This is the second route that I've run that had some steep hills on it.  You would think since I drive down State Street in Ann Arbor EVERY single morning that I'd remember every "small" hill on the way in....nope.  I say small because I'm driving in my car, those mofos are huge when you have to run up and down them. 
So boom, I start running and I'm feeling a little self-conscious.  Not because of my size or what I was wearing, but because once again I chose to jog down a super busy street so people tend to honk horns and yell perverted things.  Luckily it was 8am so maybe people were too sleepy to yell. 

I got maybe 6 or 7 minutes into this run and then BOOM, a nice hill pops up outta no where and my legs were like:
I'm screaming internally because of course I want to stop but I have on black yoga pants and a fitted black hoodie with the hood covering my face, and the Rocky theme music playing in my head 
So stopping was NOT an option. 
Once I got 2 miles in I was good to go.  I had a nice pace going and I REALLY wanted to be done running so I made sure not to slow down...like ever.  Once I finished the Nike Running Club app that I use told me the summary of my run.  Do yall know I ran each  mile consistently at 11:30!!!!!!!  Ohhh baby I was walking around all day like you couldn't tell me NOTHING.  

I get it, 11 minutes and 30 seconds is slow to some people that run everyday all day but I'm not talking to yall so hush.  I'm talking to the folks that know what it feels like to run 15 minute miles and are just happy they didn't pass out 2 steps in.  My goal is to run each mile at 12 minutes so this is a come up for me.  

Day 3: 2 Miles                 Time: 21:01                 Weight: 170.00
Alright, so we're back to me kicking my 2 mile run's ass.  I got on a treadmill because it was looking real polleny (das a word today) outside and I wasn't tryna run 2 miles looking like:
AND, my allergies just started this year.  Breh, I went 27 years without allergies and now I'm chugging Benadryl and poppin' Claritin pills like their a meal.  

Anyway, I ran the mess outta that 2 miles while looking like Luke Cage and sweating my life away.  They had the heat on hell and it was super humid in the gym.  I may have lost 2 lbs. of water weight from jogging alone.  

Now, this day happened to be the day that I made the dumbest decision EVER.  Both clients were out of town so I decided, hmmm, I can do some heavy lifting today.   
no clients = Ky does dumb stuff
I decided that it would be a good idea to ONLY do squats, and that I wanted to do a 1 rep max today. So. Much. Stupid. 

Here's what I did: 
10 reps: 95 lbs
10 reps: 115 lbs
10 reps: 135 lbs
8 reps: 155lbs 
8 reps: 185lbs 
5 reps: 205 lbs 
3 reps: 225 lbs 
3 reps: 235 lbs
2 reps: 245 lbs 
2 reps: 255 lbs 

NEVER DO THIS!!!! Hooomahgawd I don't know what I was thinking about.  One, I didn't actually need to do so many sets, I was just bored and wanted to warm my legs with the first 3 sets.  So unnecessary.  Two, I'm pretty I overworked my legs something serious, again, so unnecessary.  BUT, it felt so good to finally lift heavy again.  I stopped lifting heavy to train for this half marathon.  I didn't want to be extra strong running 13.1 miles, nope, I'm scrate on all that.  It's also a really good stress relief from.  In the video below, you can hear the 2 other people that were in the gym, but for the most part, it was so quiet; which is calming for me.  Lifting heavy things with no distractions is like, heavenly for me.

You'll notice that it looks like I'm rocking back and forth, I'm actually forcing my knees outward so that I don't hurt myself, my knees, or my back.  It's a habit that was forced into my brain while doing CrossFit.  

Day 4: 40 Min Cross             Time: 00:00             Weight: 170.4
A visual representation of me trying to walk after leg day:
It actually hurt to walk.  I asked a friend to help stretch me out, the damn stretching hurt!  I used my foam roller, I took a cold shower, all of that and NOTHING could've saved me from the inevitable straight leg bambi walk that was in my immediate future.  I just wanted my legs to work but they refused.  I was late to work trying to power walk, my legs disagreed. 
Yall when I say I've never regretted a leg day like I did this day.  And to top it off, I was supposed to run 4 miles today, twas a no for me dawg.  I did a back and shoulder workout and went home and ate Swiss Rolls to avoid crying because my legs were so sore.  

Day 5: Easy Run         Time: Mind Ya Bidness      Weight: 170.4
Today was a little easier than yesterday.  I actually got on the treadmill and jogged a mile.  Twas an ugly mile, and by ugly I mean hideous, but it was a mile nonetheless.  We did a leg workout even though my legs were screaming at me.  I kept it super light, I didn't go over 95 lbs at the squat rack. My legs weren't about to be abused anymore this week.  Still couldn't run my 4 miles so I opted to run it on Sunday since the schedule said 5-k race; ain't nobody have 5k money so uhhhh, 4 miles by the crib it is.   

Day 6: REST     Time: 00:00    
Partying for my Deuce's birfday = Ky will twerk for cardio 

And that's all you need to know about my REST day :)

Day 7: 4 Miles      Time: 46:48  
Alrighty, so the time had finally come for me to run this stupid 4 miles.  My legs were still a tiny bit sore but I could actually bend my knees while walking so I figured I was good.  I leashed Sadie and proceeded to the main street that I live off of and always jog on.  On this day, it was 83 degrees and humid.  I'm talmbout I could taste the water in the air.  I had on yoga pants and a thermal jacket.  Twas a TERRIBLE decision.  I got through maybe a quarter mile when I decided that I hate running.  

Everything about it.  Or maybe I just hated it because I hadn't run in basically 3 days and my legs still hurt.  We'll go with that. 

I got 2 miles in and thought, hmmm, okay, now we just have to get home, we're good. Nope.  I was dehydrated and overheating.  Of course I didn't realize I was overheating until I got 2.5 miles in and couldn't breathe without feeling like there was a desert in my mouth.  

I finally got to my old apartment complex and had to shed some clothing.  I was NOT gonna make it without passing out first.  

So, this is a BIG DEAL for me.  I do not, I REPEAT, I DO NOT workout in tank tops or shorts.  If you've ever worked out with me then you'll notice that my legs and arms are always covered.  The most you'll see are my calves.  Anything else was because I was sweating too hard or it was too hot.  And by anything else I mean I I rolled the sleeves up on my t-shirt or took my jacket off and wore my tank top.  This is an EXTREMELY rare occurrence.  Why am I always fully clothed?  I'm most comfortable when I'm covered, I just am.  

I don't like unwanted attention in the gym and I've always preferred training with a lot of clothes on.  My track coaches have had to force me to take off clothes to avoid passing out but it's just a natural thing for me to do.  ALSO, thigh chaffing fucking hurts.  My thighs turn burgundy when I wear shorts during workouts so I avoid it.  Just no, all of the no. 
Typically I can run a mile in extreme heat and I'm okay; but obviously running more than 1 mile requires less clothing.  I thought I was going to be self-conscious running in yoga pants and a sports bra but nope, it was hot ass monkey balls outside.  I didn't care about anything except not passing out, I'm too grown to be laid out on the side of the road with strangers tryna figure out where I live or trying to call an ambulance.  Ain't nobody got time for that high ass medical bill. 

So if anyone wants to buy Ky some running pants and tank tops, feel free!!! I wear a large in shorts and a medium top.  Don't question the large bottoms, it's like clash of the titans with these thunder thighs. 

Moving on, I finished the run drenched in sweat and ready to pass out.  Not my fastest time, but like I said, as long as I stay right on pace or just under my 12 minute pace, I really don't care what time I run :)  



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