Week 7: Comeback Kid

Day 1: REST                     Time: 00:00                     Weight: 171.4
So today started off pretty awesome.  I have a 7am client almost every day, and she happens to be my first paid client.  She told me mid-workout that she's down 20lbs.  I tried to play it cool but internally I was jumping for joy.  

Cecily: I'm down 20lbs since we started
Me (internally): 

Sometimes I question if I'm actually an "okay" trainer or if people are wasting their time putting their trust in me.  I know how to mold my own body but sometimes I worry that people aren't dropping weight as fast as they'd like to.  So much so that I have to remind myself of my own fitness journey and how long it took me to get to where I'm at.  It's all a process and some happen to drop weight faster than others, and some people refuse to eat right and blame me (like chill breh, cuz we can throw dem hands if you feeling froggy).  

AND, this client in particular works her butt off (literally), every single day.  I don't have to convince her to try new exercises, she just does them.  If it's too much, too heavy, too ANYTHING, she'll let me know so we can adjust it accordingly.  She's also HILARIOUS and makes my job 10x easier, so yea, today is an awesome day.

15 minute Treadmill Run
3x10 Bench Press
4x10 Chest Press
3x10 Military Press
3x10 Single Arm Chest Flye 
4x10 Rear Cable Flye 

3x20 Russian Twist
3x20 Crunches w/ Fitness Ball 

Day 2: 40 min Cross                    Time: 00:00                     Weight: 172.00
15 Minute Arc Trainer
Circuit (4 rounds): One-leg Step Ups (left leg)
                              One Leg Step Ups (right leg)
                              Wall Balls
                              Hip Taps OR Plank
                              Ball Slams


15  Minute Treadmill Run 
Circuit (4 rounds): Box Shuffle 
                                    Squat Walk Up 
                           Frog Hops
                                                                Ball Slam Burpees  OR Ball Slams
                                                       Treadmill Mountain Climbers
2 rounds 
25 Russian Twists
30 sec. plank 
25 V Ups
25 crunches
30 sec. flutter kicks

As you can see, I got in today!  I know it looks like a lot, but it was actually okay.  I felt really good after both of them.  Like, I'm amped up bro!!!
Today I decided to be a responsible adult and run when I got home instead of trying to shove an hour long run in before a workout, right before my work shift begins or before my 2nd workout of the day.  However,  when I left for work the clouds outside were looking real sketchy.  I REFUSE to run in the rain. 
Hell no.  Have you ever run in the rain when it's POURING DOWN???It's AWFUL.  You can barely see anything, there are puddles EVERYWHERE, your socks are soggy and feel weird, AND on top of all of that, Sadie would be soaking wet.  The last thing I need is a soaking wet dog running around my apartment.  

Nope. Eh-eh.  It's gonna be a no for me dawg.  So I decide to switch the schedule around to accommodate the weather.  So I moved the 40 minute Cross workout to today, even though I work out every day, and I pushed back the runs by one day.  I'll rest on Saturday and run to my death on Sunday.

Day 3: 4.5 Miles                   Time: 53:08                     Weight: 171.8 (8:30am)   171.1 (5pm)
As far as workouts go, today was an easier day.  Had a nice back and shoulders workout in the morning and chilled at work.  My afternoon workout buddy had to cancel so I decided to use that time to run my 4.5 miles.  It was hot as hell outside.  

The last time I ran in hot weather I almost passed out AND I got an ugly tan line from my sports-bra.  I decided to wait a little later in the evening to run, when it had cooled down.  I started running around 6...It was still HOT.  The sun was beaming in my face and I was sweating through my hoodie again.  This run felt awful.  For the first 1.5 miles it felt like I had a cramp in my left calf muscle and it HURT.  On top of that my feet were hurting, specifically my toes.  It was a strange and painful feeling.  ANNNND my shins were throbbing.
Obviously I can't go more than a day without running or I'm doomed.  These could also be common running issues and my body might be struggling to adjust to a complete running regimen.  Anyway, after the cramp left the run felt a little better.  But my lawd that last mile felt like DEATH.  I felt like the run was never gonna end and I was gonna be stuck in an eternal struggle forever.  Okay I'm being dramatic but dammit I was tired.  

What kept me going is the fact that I didn't want to give up just because my mind kept telling me to.  If I would've stopped, then I would have started making excuses for ALL of my runs every time I got tired or didn't feel like running; and trust me, I know myself well enough to know that if I give one excuse it's OVER.  I will milk that excuse for days, weeks, or months.  I want to keep myself away from quitting and making excuses for my failures.  It's okay to not run as fast as you did last time.  It's okay to not excel at something that you're not good at.  It. Is. OH-KAY.  What isn't okay is giving up before you think of a new way to go at your previous failure, in order to get better at it.  Don't give up before you've actually TRIED.  

I finished the run in a decent time and still under my 12 minute pace so I'm a happy camper.  I tired camper, but a happy one none the less.  Once I got in my apartment, I showered and cried.  I just knew I'd be able to eat some strawberries and drink some water, and be good.  Nah.  I was hungry af.  I wanted to eat EVERYTHING.  

If I wasn't so tired I'm pretty sure I would've driven to Wendy's to gt one of everything on the menu.  My body was screaming for carbs so I made some wannabe chicken alfredo and ate my life away.  It was GWOOD.  Annnd then I promptly passed out lol  

Day 4: 3 Miles                   Time: 32:10                     Weight: 169.6
Didn't have a morning client today so I decided to use that time to do my 3 mile run.  I thought it would be an easy run but of course it wasn't.  I think my body was still tired from the long run last night.  My knees were throbbing and Sadie was being a jerk; and by jerk I mean she kept dragging me while trying to chase birds.  

I'm pretty sure I choked her at least 20 times with the leash because what you not gone do is drag me like a chump while I'm struggling through a run.  Bless her little heart, I know she just wants to play, but now isn't the time to play.  It's 6am, I don't know my name, and I don't feel like running.  AND, everyone decided to walk their dogs at 6am.  NO ONE. I repeat, NO ONE, was ever out this past month when I walked her at 6am but now all of a sudden everyone is out and about.  So I had to keep crossing the street to avoid Sadie trying to play/lunge at other dogs.  Crossing the street with a dog is like trying to explain why you're mad at bae, to bae.  It takes a lot of effort and concentration and most of the time bae doesn't understand so they're saying and doing dumb shit to end the conversation because they don't really care or understand.  

Sadie NEVER understands so she just either runs out into the street before I do or is terrified to go into the street; it's the most nerve wrecking thing ever!!!!  I finally get home and I actually ran a decent time!!!! It felt like I was running in slow motion and I swear the app had to be wrong but I'm gonna roll with it because it gasses my ego and makes me feel like I'm the shit.

                       Day 5: 4.5 Miles                   Time: 53:52                    Weight: 169.1
Apparently I do really well with the first few miles and at the end my body is just like "Nah son I'm not feeling it".  The run started off so well.  I was trotting along with Sadie.  She was still in front of me so I knew we were going strong (when she's tired she falls behind me and her tongue basically touches the ground).  

We get 2 miles in and I'm faced with a steep choice, literally.  Either run up this stuper steep hill, or turn around and run a half mile past my apartment.  I don't like doubling back or having to walk back to my apartment so I decided to go for it.  I went up the stupid hill.  I was feeling good, running well, what's the worst that could happen???  Let me tell you what's the worst that can happen.  Your knees will start hurting, your quads will be set on fire, and breathing.....you can kiss that goodbye.  My lungs felt like they were gonna jump out of my chest and run in the opposite direction.  IT. WAS. FUCKING AWFUL.  I got to the top of that hill and seriously debated stopping.  Like fuck this, I don't have to take this anymore.  These hills aren't paying rent or my phone bill darnit!!!!  

But I decided to keep going and hope for the best........  

Random: This guy was walking towards me so I made sure to reel Sadie's leash in so that she would be closer to me and wouldn't frighten or intimidate the person coming towards us.  I get maybe 5 steps away from this guy and he does the creepiest wave and as I pass him, he yells for me to give him my number.  Ya'll I looked like an extra in The Walking Dead.  

My lips were shedding a layer of skin so I had white slimy looking skin curled up on my lips (didn't figure this out until I got home), my hair was half done, half matted, AND, I'm just ugly when I run.  There's nothing attractive about my face when I'm running.  I look like a baby goat screaming about something but not because I'm angry, nope, solely because I'm tired.  Creepy men are trash.  

Moving on, I'm running through Ypsi looking like a troll bu still surviving.  Then poof, outta no where it starts raining. Rain wasn't in the forecast.... 
A visual of me when it started raining: 

So now I'm scrambling to cover my phone and my head.  Neither of which happened.  Then, you guessed, another fawking hill.  Not as steep, but just as annoying.  I got about 3.75 miles and decided it was time to take a break.  I wasn't used to running multiple steep hills and I'm damn sure not about to start.  It felt like my lungs were on fire but also itchy.  I could barely breathe and I was so tired from having to use extra energy to get up those darn hills.  AND, my knees don't do well on hills, like, at all.  I walked for 60 seconds to give myself some time to recover and it actually worked!  My body felt more relaxed and I could actually breathe.  I checked my time and saw that I was still on pace so I finished strong and passed out on my living room floor as soon as I got home (Can't be layig on furniture while ya sweaty, das narsty).  But my gwoodness was I tired.  Not as tired as the first time I ran it, but still.    

                                          Day 6: REST                       Time: 00:00       
Somebody come look at dih!!!  My best friend and favorite Personal got married today!!!  Do you see how beautiful his bride is?  Do you see how happy that man is???  Do you see how happy she is??  I was ugly crying at the actual wedding.  It was all so beautiful and I'm happy I got to be witness their special moment.  I'm also happy I got to rest on this beautiful day; and by rest I mean indulge in the open bar that was at the reception.  That was a workout itself but it was peaceful and allowed me to REST :) 


                                         Day 7: 7 Miles                   Time: 1:23:47     
So today, was the day, that I went on the longest adventure in life.  Sure it was only like an hour and a half but 90 minutes feels like 24 hours when you're running in a suburban neighborhood while it's pitch black outside.  Yep, let all of the Get Out references lurk into your thoughts because that's what I was thinking about the entire time.    
                                                                   Mile 1:  11:39
                                                                   Mile 2:   11:30
                                                                   Mile 3:   12:01
                                                                  Mile 4:   12:08
                                                                  Mile 5:  12:23
                                                                 Mile 6:  12:03 
                                                                Mile 7:   11:58 

The first two miles were okay.  I was running good and feeling good so I was hoping that everything would stay that way.  Nah.  One, the first mile was only okay because I could see the pavement I was running on.  Mile 2?? I had to rely on the headlights from cars driving by to guide me because chile, it was pitch black.  I could barely see Sadie's black ass running in front of me.  I kept thinking a clown was gonna jump out of the darkness and get me. 

On top of that, there were bushes lining about a half of mile 2.  I just knew something was gonna reach out and grab me. 

 I finally get through the first 2 miles and realize that I have 5 miles left so I should probably slow down.  So I slowed down to my preferred 12 minute pace to stay comfortable.  Next 2 miles go by smoothly.  Mile 5 was a struggle, mainly because I was running in a predominantly white neighborhood where some folk still have confederate flags and I watch waaaay too many Criminal Minds episodes.  

I ran down some super dark pathway and thought to myself "Mona would be so disappointed in you.  You are not the dumb White girl in all of the horror films so why in the holy hell are you running through this dark walkway!!"  I was all too ready to karate chop any person or thing that jumped out of the bushes.  To add to all of my paranoia there were bugs EVERYWHERE.  It was like my face was spider web and I was catching all of the bugs.  There were gnats stuck to my face when I finished, mad disgusting.  

I finish mile 5 and I'm feeling okay.  I finish mile 6 and I'm feeling like DEATH.  My knees were THROBBING.  They were hurting so bad that I had to have an entire conversation with myself, just to convince MYSELF to stop running for a sec.  I kept telling my self that I could make it to 6.5 miles but I definitely couldn't....I stopped.  

At 6.18 miles, I stopped.  There was almost instant relief when I stopped running.  I could feel my knees swelling up and I didn't want to think about how I was gonna fall asleep with swollen knees (as if I haven't done so 1000 times before but whatever).  I stopped and walked until I got to 6.5 miles.  I'm talmbout full out power walking.  

I got to 6.5 miles and started hauling ass.  Sadie was DEADT.  She was barely trotting behind me, my poor baby.  BUT, she made it!!  I finally made it home without being kidnapped and murdered and I felt like crap.  My knees were bright red and swollen, there were bugs on my face so I was itching, and my back was starting to hurt.  Yet, all I could think about, was the fact that I ran 7 miles.  Homegirl ran 7 muthafuckin miles!!!  If you would've told me last year that I'd be running 7 miles I would've laughed in your face.  And I mean the nastiest cackle you've ever heard in your life.  

But here I am, doing what I've told myself 1000 times that I'd never be able to do.  So if you have something in mind that you really want to do, do it.  Don't be afraid of it, just do it.  I know sometimes it's scary and yes, you will definitely be nervous, but you'll never know how amazing you really are if you don't at least TRY.  I'm terrified to run anything over 5 miles at this point but I continue to convince myself that I can do it, some way, some how.....I just have to try.  

"There is no sin in growing weary.  The sin is in giving up" - Something I heard in a Tyler Perry movie


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