Week 8: Twerkage

Day 1: REST                Time: 00:00
Obviously I struggle with the concept of resting, we all know this by now.  Not because I'm vain or am obsessed with my body.....but because I REALLY like eating double stacks and nuggets from Wendy's.  

Don't even get me started on my love for sweets like danishes, donuts, and chocolate cake.  Anyway, today was chest, tricep, and bicep day.  I'm out here getting big!!!!  Not really, but really.  I don't lift heavy, at all.  The most weight you'll see me doing with my upper body is 30 lbs.  And it's usually a 30 lb barbell for rows or something.  I refuse to lift heavy up top because I swell up quick.  I know a lot f men that wish they could beef up as quick as I do, trust me, you don't want this problem lol.  

I don't drink protein shakes, I don't do push ups, my body is just naturally receptive to weight training.  Everyone thinks it's cute, but it actually annoys the shit outta me.  I tear so many shirts and blazers. Ugh.  But I won't complain because before I was complaining that my arms jiggled too much, not tryna go back to that.  

Workout of the day: 
Dumbbell Flye
Barbell Curl 
Preacher Curl 
Rope Pull Down 
Cable Tricep Kickback 

Day 2: 4.5 Miles            Time: 51:59
I woke up hype as hell today.  Like, woke up on time, had my clothes on in time, drank some water, had Sadie leashed and ready to go,  I was on it!  I took off like a bat outta hell.  
I don't know what I was thinking.  I ran the first mile in 10:44......breh.  When I hit the 1 mile mark and the strange woman in my ear from the Nike Run Club App announced 10 minutes and 44 seconds I IMMEDIATELY slowed down lol.  I remembered I had 3.5 miles left and chilled out real quick.  I felt like I slowed down too much so I was nervous that all of my times were going to be terrible.  NOPE.  I ran fast for all of my miles.  I stayed 11:30 for mile 2 and 3, and actually slowed down for mile 4.  Like all the way down.

Me: I mean, we can slow down bro, we've been running fast this whole time
Me to Me: Yea, we basically have a whole extra minute and then some, we can def slow down
Me: We'll slow down just a little bit
Me to Me: Fuck it, slow down

I slowed down from 11:24 to 12:19 lmao.  I was DYING on the last mile as usual but I had slowed down so it wasn't so awful.  I also thought I was on a 15 minute pace, not a 12 minute pace.  

Lesson learned: Stick to the gosh darn pace!

Day 3: 3 Miles              Time: 35:52
Soooo yesterday was leg day ad ummm, we got it in.  I made sure not to go over 155lbs; didn't want to go heavy again.  Now, typically after leg day I has the bambi legs.  Like, day 1 after leg I'm a little sore, Day 2 = Death 
I woke up this morning and I could still feel the deadlifts and squats from yesterday.  I'm not super sore, I'm the good sore right now.  I thought that I'd be good to go since it's only 3 miles.  I. Was. Wrong.  All of the wrong.  Everything was hurting and I'm pretty sure my run was so ugly.....again. 

Mile 1 felt "okay but it definitely hurt.  I felt like I was trying so hard to get to a mile and half so I could turn around and run home but it wouldn't let me be great.  I swear it felt like it was 2 miles away but it's only because of frickin' LEG DAY!!


Day 4: 4.5 Miles            Time: 50:54
So today was supposed to be a pretty easy day.  Get up, go run, be great.  NOPE.  My stank booty Aunty came to visit and so I had to deal with the fatigue that comes with her.  I've never been so tired and weak in my life.  Once a month I basically have to convince my body to cooperate with me.  I was supposed to get up and run in the morning but my cramps were like 

So of course I had to wait until later in the day to go for my run.  It looked like it was about to pour down raining....we all know by now that Ky does NOT do rain.  Rain = mosquitoes and I'm allergic to those so issa no.  I decided to suck it up and do my run on a treadmill.  4.5 miles, it'll go by fast, right?  Of course everything went wrong.  I forgot the correct pair of socks so mine kept sliding down into my shoe, I left my headphones so I had to run in silence,  AND, I forgot to bring my headband so I was covered in sweat so salt kept getting in my eyes.

And because my stank booty Aunt is in town, EVERYTHING, and I do mean EVERYTHING, was irritating me.  I had to really sit and contemplate whether or not I felt like devoting an hour of my time to slowly die on a machine I hate......in SILENCE.  Like, is this reeeallly what you want to do right now Ky?? 

  But of course, I told myself not to make an excuse to get out of running, so I hopped on the stupid treadmill and stopped running.  Fun Fact: Some treadmills are automatically set to switch to the cool down function after 30 minutes.  This means that after 30 minutes, you only have 5 minutes left and they cut your pace in half, so you can cool down.  I forgot all about this.  So of course I'm running along, feeling good, feeling great.  And boom, the time turns blue to signal the cool down and cuts my pace in half.  I immediately start freaking out because I was on a roll!!! I wasn't tired, my knees weren't hurting, I was just running along.  I hurry up and switch it back to my 12 min per mile pace and of course now my mojo is thrown off an it took that machine forever to get back to my damn pace!!

I finally get back on pace and increase the cool down time to 10 minutes to bu me some time.  I basically have to stop running once the cool down ends, hurry up and turn the machine back on, change the pace to a faster one, and then start back up.  Luckily I made it to 3 miles and shut off the machine and then ran another 1.5 miles.  I just compared the time I stopped to the times I stop for traffic lights when I'm running outside.  It was maybe 30/35 seconds.  I hop back on, and now were back in business.  I seriously contemplated turning on another machine and hopping off one onto the other but nah, I'm not coordinated enough for that lol.  I had to remember the time I ran the 3 miles in and then add it to the 1.5 miles I ran.  The good thing about treadmills is tat you an increase the speed whenever you want to and your legs basically have to go with it.  I started hauling ass on that last 1.5 miles.  I wasn't about to let no damn treadmill punk me. 

I felt REALLY good after that run.  My energy levels were finally up even though my mood was still trash.   I whooped that 4.5 mile run's ass.  
    Day 5: REST           Time: 00:00
Friday consisted of a quick 15 minute interval run (30 sec. running, 30 sec. resting) and 300 res of ab exercises.  This was to prepare for the night's festivities.  still needed to get some extra cardio in, I did just that.  Twerking commenced and that's all you need to know. 
Rihanna so fine, my lawd. 

                       Day 6: Cross Workout    Time: 00:00
 I was hungover so uhhh, no early morning run for me.  But I did                                     go and twerk some more lol 

                            Day 7: REST         Time: 00:00
So ummmm, I was supposed to run 8 miles today. Nah lol.  I was hungover and barely functioning.  I wasn't about to run anything.  I know, I know, I let Nas down, but he'll be okay I promise.  I considered running at night but took my L gracefully and decided to run it on Monday.  Next week is gonna be tragic.  An 8 mile run and a 9 mile run in the same week???  Stay tuned....


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