Bish You Running, You REALLY running!!!!!
Ohhhh snap, so exactly one week ago I ran a half marathon. Yep, you read that right, I completed a goal I set for myself and ran 13.1 miles with my knees strapped up tight in braces, my heart racing from drinking a pre-workout, and the motivation of unyielding anxiety and stubbornness that made me too legit to quit. Let's back track: a little over 3 months ago I woke up and decided that I wanted to conquer one of my fears and run a half marathon. What started out as Facebook status updates turned into a weekly blog with updates on my training, weight, physical and mental health, as well as genuine reactions to a new training regimen. For a refresher on why I woke up and decided to just wake up and run a half marathon, here's the snippet from my very first post: Long story short, I wanted to do something that would help with my anxiety. As a result of running for 30 minutes or longer most days, I did just that, kind of. ...