Week 10: Holy Shit, This IS Happening.....

Day 1: REST    Time 00:00
I really wish someone would have told me how hard of a toll running takes on the body.  Poor little tink tink is trying to keep up by my goodness, this is hard.  My feet hurt all the time.  My toes are basically calloused so it hurts to wear snug flats or anything that doesn't have a cushion (every shoe I own).  My shins hurt at random times and I'm not sure how to deal with it since I have the correct shoes.  My hips are ALWAYS tight and I feel like they'll never be the same after this.  

I sat down on my couch and thought about all of this and almost decided to quit.  I had really gotten to the point where I no longer want to run, this shit hurts, and it sucks.  But then I could hear my mom yelling at me for quitting and aborted that mission real quick.

One thing most people don't know is that I am TERRIFIED to run this race.  I'm nervous that I won't be able to finish, that I'll come in last place, or that I won't finish in the 3.5 hours that we have to complete the race.  I'm also just nervous to run such a big race because it's something I've never done.  My anxiety has been on 1000 every day from thinking about this. 

I promise I'll get over myself, just wanted to share that. 
I did absolutely nothing today except nurse a migraine from not eating enough yesterday.  I ran 9 miles but only ate some yogurt, a granola bar, and some nuggets.  I burned more calories than I actually ate in the day.  This is a terrible thing to do, especially when you workout as often as I do.  In case you were wondering, starving yourself while working out doesn't help you lose weight.  If anything, it stifles your weight loss because your body doesn't have any food to burn.  No food to burn equals burning nothing....so you worked out for nothing.  Eat something homies.   

Day 2: 5 Miles    Time: 00:00
I was supposed to run 5 miles today but it poured down raining sooooo I worked out REALLY hard

4x10 Squats 
4x10 Deadlifts 
4x10 Leg Press
4x10 Leg Extensions 
      *Superset w/ Leg Curls 4x12

4x10 Squats
4x8 Romanian Deadlift 
4x10 Backwards Lunges
4x10 Leg Press 

Day 3: 3 Miles      Time: 34:20
So yea, I ended up having to call off work this day.  Which resulted in me doing absolutely nothing all day.  I sat on my couch re-watching Season 6 of Game of Thrones eating nuggets, ice cream, and donuts.   
Then, I decided it would be a good idea to take a nap in the middle of the day.  This led to my phone dying around 5pm and me sleeping until 10pm......why lawd??  I don't do well with naps.  It's either a pointless 20 minute nap or a 3 hour coma, there's no in between.  BUT, I woke up, hopped out of bed, threw on some running clothes and headed out the door.  Sadie was way too eager to run, probably because I fell asleep and didn't walk her at 7pm like I was supposed to. 
I made it a point to try and stay in the 12 minute range, didn't go so well, but I tried.  I want to get my body used to running 12 minute miles again so that while I'm dying during the last 3.1 miles of the race, I can convince my leg to do the normal, and slow for me, pace of 12 minutes without stopping.  I get the feeling that the last 3 miles will be some weird combination of walking, trotting, trying to jog and failing, and then walking some more.  Didn't do well this time, but I have 2 more weeks to get my act together.  2...more...weeks...insert dramatic sobbing here. 
I promise you, I will probably try to talk myself out of running this race at least 5 more times before the actual race day.  Lettuce Pray.  

Anyway, the 3 mile run wen pretty well.  Ran an average of 11:30 per mile comfortably.  Only had to stop once to let the pup poop, and we were good to go.  My knee was locking up most of the room but hopefully that'll stop with some good stretching.  Now to convince myself to stop taking naps and run earlier in the day so that I don't get a burst of energy before be.  

Day 4:  5 Miles      Time: 00:00
So I basically never feel like running anymore.  It's kind of sad actually.  But I convinced myself to start holding myself accountable and doing the runs.  Today I got on a treadmill to warm up for my early morning workout and my knee was NOT having it.  It kept locking up and it hurt pretty bad.  I barely made it through a mile before giving up.  We'll try this again this weekend.  

If anyone knows of some good knee braces for support while running, please comment and let me know where I can purchase one!
Day 5: REST        Time: 00:00
Obviously I didn't rest, but I did do some awesome workouts today.  
5 min climb
  2 min sideways walk (left)
 2 min sideways walk (right)
1 minute leg kickback 

3x15 Hip Abductors
3x15 Hip Adductors
3x10 Weighted Glute Bridges
3x10 Pause Squats
3x10 Pulse Squats 

4x10 Over the Rainbows
4x10 Donkey Kicks
4x10 Cable Kickback 
4x10 Cable Sidekicks

Russian Twists
30 V Ups
30 Big Flutter Kicks
 60 sec. Plank 
60 sec. 6 inches

1 mile jog 
Deep Stretch 

Repeat 4x: 
Walk 100m
25 Russian Twists, 25 V-Ups, 25 Crunches, 30 sec. Plank 
Skip 100m 
25 Russian Twists, 25 V-Ups, 25 Crunches, 30 sec. Plank 
Jog 100m 
Sprint 100m
Day 6: 60 Min Cross         Time: 00:00
Today is the day that I look forward to and loathe every year.  I clerk 2 large scale track meets a year.  One happens to always be during my birthday weekend (March 7th), and is the AAU Indoor Championship for ages 8 - 14.  The other is the AAU Regional Qualifier that typically happens near the 4th of July.  So today I got to stand in the blazing hot sun, getting 3 shades darker, while clerking hundreds of kids......in the hot a$$ sun!
This means putting them in heats and lanes, walking them to the start line, selling my soul, and dying a slow death because humidity and little to no water is mad real.  It's ALWAYS a fun time but it can definitely take a toll on the body for 2 days.  You're on your feet for 8 - 12 hours, straight yelling, running, and trying to multi-task.  So yea, that was my 60 minute workout for the day lol   

Day 7: 10 Miles         Time: 00:00
I tried to run again....and failed.  I ran 3.1 miles and couldn't go any further.  My knee was swollen and continued to lock up.  It got so bad that I started limping and trying to convince myself that it would be okay to limp for 7 more miles....NO.  I'm a pretty stubborn and I HATE giving up.  Especially when I know it's something I can do.  Having to stop not even halfway through my run was the worst start to my day.  It brought down my entire mood and made me feel like a quitter.  But what do you do when you want do something but you physically can't?  
I called my best friend, vented, and even cried.  I cry all the time , but I was in actual pain and very much upset about not being able to finish.  When I have a lot going on in life and am super stressed, one tiny thing can be a BIG trigger.  And that trigger happened to be my knee giving up on me.  I put my body through A LOT.  I push it past it's limits almost every day and don't really think about how many times someone has told me that I need to give my body a break.  I guess I don't have a choice anymore.....
Now, my knee locks up when I'm walking or am standing too long.  It locked up when I was meal prepping, it locked up while I was standing and clerking the track meet, it's obviously upset with me right now.  So again, if anyone knows of some awesome knee support please let me know ASAP so I can get back to training.    


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