"My fit, is your fit, and your fit, heard that's her fit too........"

Hello all!! It's been quite some time since I wrote about my fitness journey.  So lets try this again.......Hello, my name is Ky, and I REALLY love working out; sometimes, not all the time, though.

I don't have a cool transition to go from "hey I'm back" to talking about how fitness looks different from one individual to the next, so lets jump right into it!  Often times when I'm working out, talking about working out, or listening to someone tell me about how they want to start OR have no desire to start working out, all of them say something about how they need to get on my, or some Instagram fitness person's level in order to reach whatever fitness goal they have.


It always throws me off because 90% of the time it's someone that has a completely different shape/build OR someone doing exercises that may not actually help their metabolic type.  It's also a little unsettling since I know for a fact that you don't need to lift heavy weights, run hella miles, and eat kale to be super fit (or at least look fit).

I've trained for a half marathon and dropped a crap ton of weight.  I've suffered through CrossFit and lost weight and gained a ton of muscle mass.  I've done HIIT workouts that helped me drop a ton of weight.  I've done yoga and lost weight.  Losing weight or reaching a fitness goal isn't based off of ONE form of training. 

So before you go back to your favorite fitness person's page to try and do one of their workouts and wonder why none of it's working, take some time to think about a few things. 

1.  Do you even like what you're doing? Or are you just doing it because fitness bae is doing it?
2.  Have you looked at your diet first?  9 times out of 10 you're             probably eating terribly and need to make some tweaks to your      diet. Note: Eating terribly doesn't only refer to junk or fast food.      It refers to an insufficient amount of fruits and veggies, lack of        hydration, too many fats, carbs, legumes, etc. 
3.  Does the workout match your metabolic body type?

For those who may be unfamiliar with metabolic body types, please see below:

I have A LOT of friends that have ectomorph or endomorph body types, attempting to be a mesomorph....nuh-no boo boo, that's not how any of this works.

The easiest thing to do is search on any social media site, find an insta-fitness trainer, and start obsessing on how attractive they are, how hard they work, and how if you do every workout they post, you'll look like them.  As a person that literally does 75% of the workouts I see on social sites, let me be the one to tell you that it doesn't work that way.  I've done hella workouts and have seen some awesome results, but my body looks nothing like theirs; it looks everything like MINE.

This isn't a SZA weekend type of deal. There is no my fit, is your fit, and your fit, heard that's her fit too........  

Nope, not at all.  

I had to learn the hard way that in order to feel fulfilled in my workouts I needed to find someone with a similar body type and build to my own.  I'm an Endomorph with a pear shape.  I hold a lot of fat in my thighs and stomach.  As hard as it was to come to terms with the fact that I'm not an hour glass video girl, it needed to happen.  

I almost cringe every time someone tells me they do every workout on my page in hopes of getting my body.  Please don't!!!!  I do what works for MY body.  It took me a couple years to figure out what type of exercises work for my body type.  My fitness idols have similar shapes to my own......I still follow the hour glass, big booty Judy's as well because I'm still human and they post some bomb workouts too.  They also help to inspire a lot of Fat Booty Friday Foolishness. 

Me looking on Instagram for booty workouts: 

In short, stop idolizing people and start working on you.   You'll have to make some necessary sacrifices (super hurt that I can't eat 4 for $4s every day anymore), but I promise it'll be worth it.  

If you're like me and need a better visual representation of different body shapes, here ya go.  I'm a pear shape, how bout you??



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