
Showing posts from June, 2017

Fat Booty Friday!!!

For those who don't already know,  I've switched to using instagram as a way to share Fat Booty Friday.  Follow me at !!!! Moving on, everyone knows that I am a strong twerking enthusiast.  If you're thinking to yourself "that's so ratchet, why would she say twerking is a workout?", then this isn't the blog for you.   You've also probably never twerked for more than 2 minutes.  Twerking for half of a party will have you leaving out the function looking like you just ran a mile and did a full blown workout.  The next morning you wake up trying to figure out if you partied hard or got beat up.  Back be all types of outta commission.  It's a FULL BODY WORKOUT!! It's especially great for core and glute toning.  I know some of you still aren't with me on this so here's a snippet of some Twerk Fitness for you.     Are you tired yet?  That was barely a 2 minute snippet, now imagine doing t...

Week 9: Running While Black

Day 1: 8 Miles                  Time: 1:32:44 Remember how I was supposed to run 8 miles on Sunday? Ya know, like, yesterday?  Yea, so that didn't happen.   I really just didn't feel like running.  Not even a little bit.  I have a bad habit of doing everything at the last minute.  Which I guess isn't a bad habit because last minute tasks inspire efficiency.  So of course I decided to run 8 miles before I packed for a 4-day conference; I needed to be at my pickup location by 12 noon.  I woke up at 8am and ran 8 miles.....I had NOTHING packed.  I still need to shower and get ready afterward, AND walk Sadie.  I have no idea how I function sometimes.   Moving on, this actually was a REALLY good run.  I had anticipated dying around mile 5 and giving up around mile 6.  Nope, I made it 6.5 Miles before I decided to walk for a minute to give my knees a break since they start t...

Week 8: Twerkage

Day 1: REST                Time: 00:00 Obviously I struggle with the concept of resting, we all know this by now.  Not because I'm vain or am obsessed with my body.....but because I REALLY like eating double stacks and nuggets from Wendy's.   Don't even get me started on my love for sweets like danishes, donuts, and chocolate cake.  Anyway, today was chest, tricep, and bicep day.  I'm out here getting big!!!!  Not really, but really.  I don't lift heavy, at all.  The most weight you'll see me doing with my upper body is 30 lbs.  And it's usually a 30 lb barbell for rows or something.  I refuse to lift heavy up top because I swell up quick.  I know a lot f men that wish they could beef up as quick as I do, trust me, you don't want this problem lol.   I don't drink protein shakes, I don't do push ups, my body is just naturally receptive to weight training.  Everyone thinks it...

Week 7: Comeback Kid

Day 1: REST                     Time: 00:00                     Weight: 171.4 So today started off pretty awesome.  I have a 7am client almost every day, and she happens to be my first paid client.  She told me mid-workout that she's down 20lbs.  I tried to play it cool but internally I was jumping for joy.   Cecily: I'm down 20lbs since we started Me (internally):   Sometimes I question if I'm actually an "okay" trainer or if people are wasting their time putting their trust in me.  I know how to mold my own body but sometimes I worry that people aren't dropping weight as fast as they'd like to.  So much so that I have to remind myself of my own fitness journey and how long it took me to get to where I'm at.  It's all a process and some happen to drop weight faster than others, and some people refuse to eat right and blame me (like c...